
Sunday, 1 December 2024

Working Creatively with Generation Z

Day two of the Master Guide recertification convention began with prayer, followed by singing “O Canada,” the national anthem.


The Master Guides then recited the organization’s Vision, Mission, Purpose, Pledge and Law together, before singing the Master Guide song.


Next, the praise team lead their fellow Master Guides in a powerful time of musical worship, culminated by singing the week-end event’s theme song, “God Will Make a Way.”

Theme Song: "God Will Make a Way"


Once a teacher, always a teacher. Former educator, Patricia Lopez, Children and Women’s Ministries Director, for the Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,

facilitated an interactive workshop, that kept everyone on the edge of their seats, while instructing them in the process.

Lopez’s high energy, enthusiastic, participatory presentation style demonstrated perfectly, the importance of, and how to implement “Creative Ministries and Evangelism," to retain the attention of the young people that they mentor and minister to.


Pastor Edwin Martin, Adventurers, Master Guides and Pathfinders Club Ministries Director, for the Ontario Conference lead the next workshop.

In “Understanding the Present Generation,” he described in detail,

the characteristics of Generation Z, leaning heavily on recent Barna research.

After lunch, Kevin Benta, the Ontario Conference’s Properties Management & Risk Management Director got everyone’s attention with a practical workshop on “Risk Management / Child Protection.”

He opened the Master Guides’ minds to the need to be proactive and vigilant in safeguarding the children

entrusted to them, as Adventurer and Pathfinder club leaders.


Dr. Anthony Reid, the Ontario Conference’s Stewardship Ministries Director, then facilitated a workshop on “Conflict Management & De-Escalation.”


He discussed how Master Guides can effectively manage conflict.

He also identified the reality that sometimes, conflict has to be managed, when it cannot be resolved.


During the day’s final presentation, Cherrie Anne James, the Ontario Conference’s Master Guide Council Executive Coordinator spoke about the Master Guide “Uniform Dress Code Policy”. Ms. James, along with Chester Lewis, the Ontario Pathfinder Executive Coordinator, responded to participants’ questions.


As always, the session ended with prayer.

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