
Sunday, 15 November 2009

Sometimes you have to lower your expectations (re a relationship).

Originally posted in my Facebook notes
Monday, October 12, 2009

Sometimes, you have to accept the reality that this person is not
going to change, which in turn means that this relationship will
never get better.

As for me, if I have to choose between loving you and loving 
myself, I'm going to have to let you go, for I will intentionally
do myself no harm. Consistently placing myself in a negative
where I my hopes will be dashed upon the rocks of your
  callous words,
where I will cringe again and again under the glance of your
  evil eye, …

It makes no sense.

Someone said that doing the same thing again and again while
expecting a different outcome is a definition of insanity.
If that be so, can this be any less moronic.

Sometimes, it is better to use the exacto knife of choice to
sever your connection from the object of your heart's desire.
The imaginable or unimaginable pain that must result
must eventually give way
to healing
to restoration
to a restoration of the man or woman that you once were
before you gave your heart
to this brutish one
who was,
and perhaps, no doubt, in the absence of divine intervention,
forevermore shall remain … [insert adjective(s) here]

No longer shall the venom of their words …

… humiliate you.
… cause you pain.
… crush your spirit.

Why remain in a "relationship" with one who is incapable of
supplying the barest minimum of what you need.

UNconditional LOVE
the occasional HUG
a GENTLE word
a TENDER embrace just because; for no reason;
with no expectation of something more

You don't have to wait until the new year to resolve to do that
which is …


Maybe it's time / perhaps it's past time to PUT OUT THE TRASH.

I choose to distance myself from negative people
[grumblers, whiners, …

… idlers (though I have definitely done my share of this
-- especially in my first 3 years at university)].

It's time for a new year.
a new resolve
a positive outlook
a call to ACTION


Loving, caring, …, concerned friends will enCOURAGE you.
They will pray for you.
They may become frustrated by your consistently poor choices
and APPEAR to give up on you.

"Charity [Love] NEVER fails …"

TOUGH LOVE DOES "by any means necessary"
in order to produce the desired effect,
in order to initiate or create the CATALYST that will finally
AWAKEN your befuddled brain
so that you can look into the mirror of reality,
perhaps aided by the mirror of God's WORD …

… and see ever so briefly the heights from which you have fallen
or perhaps
… the depths to which you have sunken.

Look up.
Look out.
Step up.
Shape up.

Better to lose a finger than a hand.

Better to lose a car than your mind.

Better to walk away from that house
than to live the rest of your life as a mouse.
You are homo sapiens;
meant to walk erect.
intended to stand tall.

created in the image of God, an heir of the first Adam,
to exercise dominion over all the earth;
not for a MANTU [looks like, sounds like, but
does NOT behave like a man] to have dominion over you.

It's your life.
You gave it away.
Don't you think that it's time for you to take it back?


Anonymous said...

Interesting. No relationship is perfect, however it takes the parties involve to work together. Wisdom, understanding and respecting each other needs is very important in working through problems. One person cannot think that their needs are more important than the other. A critical aspect of problem solving is correctly identifying the problem. Then all parties need to work through those problems. If one link is weak, then not much will be accomplished. Relationships are beautiful if the parties involve play their part.

Howard said...

In the ideal romantic relationship, each partner will seek to meet the other's needs.